Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Carrot cake/muffins

Okay. My sister officially has a camera so the next time she makes those carrot cake/muffins she is going to take pictures of them and blog about them. Hopefully that is soon but with her busy schedule I don't know. Probably sometime next week. Anyway, I can't wait until she puts the recipe up. They are soooo good, easy, and you have to try them!!!


I never seem to find time to blog. It takes too long and I can't think of anything to write. Dassi on the other hand always has these amazing three page long blogs every week or more and I don't know how in the world she finds time. She is like three times as busy as I am! So I decided to make myself sit down tonight even though it is 10pm and try to think up something to write. It wasn't too hard once I put my brain to it. I'm gonna try harder to find things in my life to write about. I think it helps me.

Last month I read through the book of Job. It wasn't the first time but I definitely got more out of it this time. Job was amazing! He went through soooo much and yet he never lost his faith in God or became bitter towards Him. And here I am, whining because I'm struggling a little. I don't have as much going on as Job did and yet my attitude is worse. I had a really good talk with Stephen last night and He was talking about everything, bad and good, that comes to us in our lives is from the hand of God, to help us grow and make us into a better person. Wow. That's hard to chew on, but it's true. If I could take just a little of what Job had with God for myself than I would be in a whole lot better situation than I am.
Another thing that was wow was how God told Job that if he didn't forgive his friends, God wouldn't. Ouch! Imagine God saying that to you! That's a lot of pressure!
I had a lot more planned to write about this but that's all I can think of for now. :(
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