Monday, November 9, 2009

Hawaii trip-Trusting in God

I have two older brothers who live in Hawaii. One is married and has one little girl, Aika, who is 14 months old. We have never seen her. :( My family, which now consists of my father, mother, little brother and myself, are trying to go there in early December. We tried to go in October but didn't have the money. My dad works at Fed Ex and he get benefits. One of them is that he gets a discount on plane tickets. We are using that one but still need about $350 per person. We have been praying and asking God for the money if it is His will for us to go there. Just last Saturday when we were in the village for my dad's second birthday party, we received half the money that we need to be able go! We are really excited and hope everything goes as planned.
God has been taking care of us in ways we could never have thought. We are learning to trust in Him and in Him alone for everything we need. It isn't as easy done as it is said. Sometimes I get frustrated with people when they say that I have to "trust in God" because I feel like they don't know what they're saying. They have no idea what I'm going through and may never really know. But it is God speaking to me through them and as much as I might hate it, I have to obey.

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