Saturday, December 19, 2009

Day Hawaii!!!

Well, we're still here in Hawaii...with out our luggage! :( We don't know if it was sent ahead of us to Memphis or kept back in Hawaii. All this morning I've been on the phone trying to get a hold of somebody at the airport and on the computer trying to track the luggage. At the moment I'm on hold and they said I'll be on hold for about three hundred and something minutes! :( It's only been thirty-two minutes so far. So, let me fill you in on the events of last night. We got to the airport a little bit after 9:30pm and stood in line for about thirty minutes waiting to check in. Then it took forever for the people to give us tickets because we were on standby and not scheduled for this flight. My mom was in pain so I ended up carrying my camera bag, my mom's laptop, my carry on bag, my mom's purse, out jackets, and dragging both suitcases!! One suitcase is missing a wheel so it was a pain and a half to drag. My shoulders are still killing me from carrying all the bags for so long! It was very difficult to bend down to get our IDs out of our purses and make sure everything didn't fall. From the check in point, we went to the security screening area. I was flying trying to unpack the laptop, take off my shoes, take the liquids out of the bags, put everything in the totes, and make sure I was not making anyone wait on me. From there it was a forever walk that lasted even longer because my mom can't walk fast, to get to our gate. When we finally arrived at the gate, everyone had pretty much finished loading and all we could do was wait to see if there were any empty seats. After thirty minutes the lady finally told us that there wasn't any open seats but we could try to fit on the plane that left twenty minutes after that one. So we walked over to the next gate and did what we do best...we waited another thirty minutes only to find that that plane was full too! The lady ended up scheduling us for the nineteenth, today. So tonight we are going to do it all over again!! Except this time I'm getting my mom a wheel chair so she doesn't have to walk so far and isn't in a lot of pain. I don't know what time it was that Marshall picked us up or we got home, I was just depressed and very tired. On top of all that, I'm starting to come down with some sort of sickness! I haven't been feeling good for the past couple days but being at the airport last night didn't help.
Please, please pray that we get on the plane tonight!!! I'm not interested in staying until Christmas and then trying to come home on Christmas day, but if that is God's plan for us, we will find joy in it. For some reason God didn't want us to go on the flight last night and I have to be okay with that. It just seems like my whole world is crashing in! Maybe it's just that I'm a girl and very emotional. I don't know, but things don't seem to be going good with me. It is probably God trying to stretch me and teach me new things. It is just hard to have a positive outlook on things when I've already let it get under my skin.
This is hilarious because I would never have thought that I would think of myself as 'stuck' in Hawaii! Anyone else in my spot here would be in heaven. :) Believe me, we are not staying here on purpose and I'm sure when we get home and all this is over, I'll wish I were in Hawaii!! :) :)
We really miss everyone and can't wait to be home again!

12:30pm--I just got off the phone with a guy from the baggage claim in the Memphis airport. He said that they have my bag but not my mom's. My dad is going to go down there sometime today to pick mine up and try to locate my mom's. So...we're in Hawaii with only the clothes on our backs, maybe until Christmas, and no food in the fridge!! :( I feel like a homeless person, except I have a home. I did put my toothbrush and brush in my carry on bag so I have those, but that's not enough to live off of for a week.
When we were in the line to check in last night, the thought did cross my mind about packing an outfit in my carry on, but it didn't go any deeper than that. I guess I'm gonna have to learn to listen to those passing thoughts. :)

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