Friday, December 4, 2009

I'm here!!! Finally!!!

I never thought I would be here...ever!! It was nothing short of a miracle getting all of us four, my mom, dad, younger bro, and myself, out here to Hawai'i.

We left yesterday morning for the airport at 5:45am. After checking in and going through security, we went and waited to board. We talked to a guy in charge and he said that all the seats were occupied. He said we would be waiting for a while. We took out seats and waited patiently praying all the while, watching people board the plane. Finally, after what seemed like forever, well, not really that long, our names were called and we were told that there was room for us!!! :) Totally God! The ride there was good. I got a window seat so I could take some pictures. Sorry they're soo bad. :(

This is the plane we took from Memphis to Phoenix, Arizona.

Taxing to the runway

Taking off

More taking off

Above the clouds where the sun was.


A clear sky

Arriving in Phoenix. Can you see the canyons?

Preparing to land

Getting closer to land. In the bottom left hand corner you can see the plane's shadow.


When we arrived in Phoenix, we only had time to find our next gate and grab a bite to eat. I settled with a $9 cobb salad. :( A little more than I expected to pay! When it came time for our next flight we sat and waited. Again a guy told us there was no room on the plane. We waited in fervent prayer and finally he told us there were three open seats. Still more prayer on our parts. After what seemed like another forever, we were called up, all of us! He said he had room for all! Another totally God moment! An answer to prayer! This plane was a little bigger than the last with three across seating instead of two. My seat was 16B, which means that I didn't have an isle nor a window seat. :( A bummer especially when the lady I was sitting next to decided it was a better idea to close the blind to the window and sleep. No pictures for me! :( I did get a few though before she closed the window blind.

The second plane we took. This one went from Phoenix to Honolulu.

Taxing to the runway

Taking off

Taking off out the other window.

Beautiful clouds

Inside the plane.

My view the whole way there. :(

First sighting of the Hawaiian islands!

A bigger island

More islands

The island out the other window

The ocean!

Starting to descend...

Landing on the island of Oahu!

Arriving in Honolulu International Airport around 3:30pm Hawaiian time!

Tourists in front of their plane. :)

We are here!!! More happy tourists in front of a big tree at the airport!

Both my older brothers were there to pick us up along with my niece Aika! I haven't taken any pictures of her yet. She is really cute! After we got to my brother's house, my parents weren't there yet so we took the dogs for a little walk...up a mountain! The only bad thing about that was that I was wearing a really nice dress top, gaucho pants and nice slip-on dress shoes! :( Not exactly the best hiking attire. My feet were already killing me and my heels had blisters on them. I took them off and was going to go barefoot but my brother made me wear his big, humongous work boots! :( Not exactly the best idea of style! Anyway, I did wear the boots but they made me slip in the mud going up the hill. It was a beautiful sight though, with the bay on one side and bigger mountains on the other. No, I didn't bring my camera. I promise later on today I will take it up there if it isn't raining like it is now.

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