Monday, December 7, 2009

Day five in Hawaii!!! :) :)

I guess today was a rather lazy day. Aika was sick with a fever yesterday so her parents didn't want to take her to the babysitters today. Body brought her over to Marshall's house for us to watch her! :) She was sad at first, of course, but after we distracted her, she was fine. We tried to so some cleaning but she wouldn't hear of being put down! I turned on Cinderella for her to watch and she did watch it for a couple seconds but when she noticed that I had walked off, she started to cry. :( She is sooo cute when she puts on a sad face and cries. :( Very unresistable! She does this thing with her eye that we call 'the evil eye'. She gives it to anyone she doesn't know who is talking to her. Mostly my dad though. :)

She talks a lot! Sometimes I don't know what she is saying and if it is in Japanese, English, or baby talk! :) Whenever she wants somebody she knows, she says, "Mama" whether it is daddy, uncle, whoever. She is a very happy baby and is generally fine being with anybody. She loves animals! She will chase the chickens around the yard and also loves the dogs...but not too close. :)

Marshall took Micaiah boar hunting this morning. They didn't end up seeing or shooting any. :( The boars on the ranch tear up the ground where the native plants grow so they are harmful and you can hunt them anytime. Tomorrow Brody is taking Micaiah up a mountain with some of his friends in a helicopter to hunt goat. Hopefully they get something then. I think our plan tomorrow is shopping. :)
We had Brody and Saki over for dinner again tonight. We just got done eating. Aika is full of usual. She's been running around the house talking and hitting her head!
That's about it for today. We are all just sitting around talking right now and Micaiah is trying to communicate with Aika. :)
Sorry it's been so boring today. :( Hopefully tomorrow I'll have more to post.

Ok, well, things did happen so here it is...

Micaiah and Marshall love playing cricket. Micaiah has been practicing and is getting better...

I just got done playing a game of Scrabble. I think it was the funnest time that we've had out here yet!!! :) :) Towards the end we were running out of words and spaces for words so we were making them up. It was hilarious because it was very late and we were all so tired...

Getting ready for Christmas

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