Saturday, December 12, 2009

Day ten in Hawaii!!!

After breakfast this morning we went to the hospital to see my mom. She was awake but didn't look too good. She somehow looked...older. It was probably the fact that she was in pain and that her hair still hadn't been brushed out after the fall and had some briers in it.  I hated seeing her go through that pain, especially when the PT guys came in to help her to try to walk. :( I felt so...helpless. It made me wish that I could take her spot in that bed and be the one hurting. She is still very sore on her right side. There are no bruises that we can see but she is always complaining about her right side hurting bad. She is very lucky she didn't break her hip, arm, or neck! When she fell from the horse, she landed on her right side and fractured her number 7 and 8 ribs. Her right lung had been punctured a little and had kind of collapsed. Today the lung is back to normal but with lots of pain. I got the story wrong yesterday about how she fell off. What happened was she decided to take the horse in a little round pen to run and started out too fast. She didn't close the gate to the pen so when she came around, he bolted for the gate and she tried to stop him but he wouldn't listen. The horse went one way and my mom the other. She is going to stay in the hospital today too. Hopefully tomorrow she'll feel better and be able to come back. She isn't in a good enough condition to fly back to Memphis tomorrow so she will be staying here for another week or so, just as long as it takes for her to feel up to flying. I am going to be staying here with her to help her get out of bed and get food and such. I will probably be missing the Christmas program. :( That is a real bummer! I was looking forward to doing that. I only went to one practice. Anyway, we will be going to see my mom tomorrow afternoon sometime and will be bringing her back. Thank you all for your prayers! She has her cell phone now so she is able to receive phone calls and texts. Just please keep in mind that we are four hours behind you. :) If she doesn't answer your call she is probably sleeping. We love and miss you all and can't wait to see y'all again!! :)

Micaiah's boil is doing much better today. :) It came to a head and popped and most of the puss and blood is out of it. I didn't take any pictures but my dad did on his phone. It looked repulsive! :( My stomach usually doesn't turn on anything bloody or medical but that made it turn! Anyway, he said it feels better. :) Thank you all for your prayers!


  1. Awww, tell mom I love her and have been praying for her!!!!!

  2. Praying for a quick recovery! LOVE YOU ALL!


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