Thursday, September 17, 2009

I can't sleep :(

Ok, I got in bed at 11pm and layed there w/ my eyes closed for one hour. I couldn't go to sleep worth anything! So I decided to get up and make the most of it. I made my bed, finished packing for an upcoming trip (today) and read the Bible. It was now 1am and I still wasn't tired, so I decided I felt like baking. So I went in the kitchen and found an easy healthy muffin recipe. So now here I am; my muffins are cooling and I'm still not tired!! I think what's wrong w/ me is that I've been sick for the past three days and I've been sleeping nonstop, so my body is telling me that it is on overload when it comes to sleep. Last night I layed in bed for two hours before my body finally gave in to sleep. It's crazy!!
Now that you've read my nonsense stuff, I'll let you know a little of what's going on out here in Memphis. I won't be able to blog later on today because I'm leaving at 9am to go to Cumberland Caverns somewhere in Tn. I'll be leaving my house between 6 and 6:30am to go to Selmer, Tn (where I used to live). We are going to be staying overnight in a cave!! Kinda scary!! We'll be back tomorrow afternoon. So I'm going to stay all tomorrow and half of Saturday and then coming back home Saturday after lunch. From there I've got to sew my dad's mantle! Wow! The ladies out here are doing tons of things to get ready for all the upcoming events that r taking place soon. We have two weddings, one in a week and the other the second weekend of October, an Ingathering, and a passage. I still don't have anything to wear to any of those events :( We are going to be doing a lot of driving throughout this month!
It has been very frying lately between school, planning the menu, attending every event, sewing, shopping for material, shopping for nice clothes...and the list goes on. I haven't been able to help w/ anything really because of my sickness. Today was the first day since Saturday that I've been up for breakfast and have been able to teach and cook.
Before I'm done blogging I wanted to let everyone know that today's my mother's birthday!! We are going to celebrate it in a week though since we'll be out of town today.
Well, I guess I didn't really have anything to write. Oh well, I said I'd try to write everyday. Next time I'll tell what's going on more w/ everybody else. I'm not totally tuned in w/ them right now because of how out of it I've been. :)

(something's really weird w/ this time thing. it says that I wrote this on Wednesday but it's thursday around 1:45am)


  1. sorry about the weird time mess up. i don't know what's going on. :(

  2. I've officially fixed the time mess up problem. I was not in Central time. :) High five!!!


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