Friday, October 9, 2009

Last night's meeting

The meeting we had last night was really encouraging!! Abba read an email to us that a guy had written him and his answers to the guy's questions. It was about discipling people and being a disciple yourself. He also talked about us out here and how we need to be doing more in the neighborhood. He said it is too easy to become complacent and just fit in with the world, but that's not why we are out here. If our life only consists of working and making a living, then we are supposed to come back to the village because that's not why we were sent out here.
It really got my brain to start spinning its wheels. How can I as a teen be a help to God's work out here? What can I do to show the life that we have? The guys work all day and the ladies are at home so the ladies are going to get more chances to meet people here in the neighborhood then the men, but how can they if they don't go out of their houses? I know I've been inside a lot lately for the past couple weeks and that has been somewhat because of the rain, but even that doesn't need to be my excuse. Everyone knows that I'm not like the friendliest person to people I don't know much less people I do know, but maybe that's why God has me out grow and get bigger in that area.
The whole meeting was very good! It's hard living out here with like zero encouragement or meetings. Abba only comes out here maybe every other week. I haven't been to any of his teachings out here at all because I usually have dance Thursday nights. I was very glad that I was there last night!

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