Sunday, December 13, 2009

Day eleven in Hawaii!!!

We left the house around 8:00 this morning to go to a brunch at Saki's work. The food was really good! From there, which was around 9am, Mic and I went to an ABC store to buy some little gifts for friends and such. ABC stores are on every half block in Waikiki for tourists. They carry everything from Hawaii clothes, trinkets, food, shoes, hats, everything...a tourists dream! :) So Mic and I shopped for a while, well actually, I helped  him pick out some things while I waited for my dad to bring my purse from the car. Like a non-thinking person I had left it there. :( I didn't really need to do any shopping, I just had to return a shirt that I had bought that was the wrong size. When we were half way done finding everything Mic needed, Saki and Marshall came in with Aika and wanted me to watch her while they moved Aika's car seat from Saki's car to Marshall's. She ended up falling asleep on my shoulder and I had to find out different ways to do things one handed, like paying the cashier and holding up shirts to see if I liked them. :) From there, we dropped dad off at the hospital so he could get mom ready to come back to Marshall's house. Marsh dropped Mic and I off at the house then went back a little later to pick up mom and dad. While they were gone we cleaned up the house and watched Aika. Mom did good coming from the car, up the steps, in the house and into bed. She needed someone to lean on though. We don't know how much longer we will be staying here, hopefully no longer than a week.
I miss everybody sooo much!!! :( It is getting harder being away from everybody for so long. Don't get me wrong, vacations are fun and very much needed sometimes, but if they are too long, you lose sight of why you went on vacation. With me, the hardest thing is that there are just too many temptations out here and nobody to help you stay on track. We don't have devotions every morning, don't read the Bible everyday, don't have Tuesday night, Thursday night, Sunday morning gathering...the list goes on. Yesterday has been the worst for me so far. I was a total wreck and none of my sisters were here for me to cry on their shoulders. :( Today though has been almost one hundred percent better!! :) First off it's better because my mom is back! :) Second because I got an email from Abba and talked to Alaina yesterday, and third because I got to talk to Austin and Ayala on the phone for a while today. They really encouraged me and just listened while I poured out everything I was going through and then gave me some neat stuff! I ended up crying on the phone and felt really good afterwards. :) I think what I need is just to get into a schedule and to call my friends more often! :)

My dad and Micaiah are leaving for the airport around nine tonight. Their flight leaves at 11:50pm Hawaiian time. They will be getting into the Memphis airport around 1:30pm Memphis time. They are still on standby so pray they get on the plane. :) :)

1 comment:

  1. Hey Girl- Missing you! I know the feeling with the vacation thing. You're awesome. Love you lots!
    -Nichole <3


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