Saturday, December 19, 2009


In case you haven't noticed, I put a picture under the title of this blog at the top. I don't know what I think of it yet so if you could, please let me know what your opinion is of it, good or bad, I'll except both. You can do this by leaving a comment. I plan on changing the picture every so often depending what my life is like. For example, if it is snowing, I'll put up a picture of snow, if it is Christmas time, I'll put up a Christmasy picture.


  1. It looks awesome, sounds awesome! Everything about it is Awesome. Love you!

  2. I like it. I wish I could figure out how to do that on mine, but I'm still learning how to do this blogging thing. :) Looks great!

  3. I think it is great....I like change! Change is good! :)

  4. That is a breath-taking photograph! I had to think really hard to remember how to get my lungs working again. :) I think updating it from time to time is a really neat idea.


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